tag: ezpublish

Super Early Bird Gets The Best Price

Summer Camp Super Early Bird Gets the Best Price!

Maja Nebes

You already have the most important information about Netgen’s eZ Publish & PHP Summer Camp, and you know what to expect once you get there, but the answer to how to get there is finally here - Super Early Bird tickets have arrived!

The eZ Publish Show #24: Externalising the legacy code

The eZ Publish Show #24: Externalising the legacy code

Ivo Lukač

As mentioned in the post on share.ez.no, I invited eZ Engineering team to The eZ Publish Show so they can give some more details on the last developments with the eZ Platform. Bertrand Dunogier, one of the team members, joined the Hangout. He talked about how they achieved legacy code externalization, and he also gave some more info about the new installer. 

eZ Publish New York

Bird's eye view on eZ Publish future (the New York trip)

Ivo Lukač

Earlier this month I was in New York for the eZ Innovation Board meeting. It was basically a sneak peek into the eZ Publish future with a bird's eye view. Or something like an 86th floor Empire State Building view. You have a great view and see far in the distance, but you can also look straight down, which is not very pleasant :)

Creating and updating eZ Publish Content via Symfony's Form component

Creating and updating eZ Publish Content via Symfony's Form component

Petar Španja

Recently we were asked by one of our customers to implement user registration that will not rely on the Legacy Stack. As the sizeable part of this request is related to the user interface, we took this chance to implement something that will benefit us for other use cases as well.

The eZ Publish Show #20: Is Sylius the base for the new eZ eCommerce solution?

The eZ Publish Show #20: Is Sylius the base for the new eZ eCommerce solution?

Ivo Lukač

Yesterday I had a great discussion with Paweł Jędrzejewski about Sylius and would it be a good choice as a base for eZ eCommerce solution. After 30 minutes he lost the internet connection, the discussion was abruptly finished but it was near to end anyway. Hope the recorded video will still be interesting.

Four Strokes with Paweł Jędrzejewski

Four Strokes with Paweł Jędrzejewski

Dinko Mihaljević

Paweł Jędrzejewski is creator of Sylius and founder at Lakion. Small interview, only four questions, but we managed to cover various topics like SummerCamp, eZ Publish Community, Sylius, Lakion, future of Paweł's projects and so on...

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