tag: ezpublish

Overview of caching in eZ Publish new stack

Overview of caching in eZ Publish new stack

Ivo Lukač

Summer is over and we are returning to our usual duties: from working on projects to sharing our experience. As we started releasing sites based on eZ Publish 5 and Symfony, it is time to tell what we learned so far, at least some of the more interesting parts. And what would be better topic if not caching :) The post was written while preparing presentation for Zagreb PHP Conference earlier this month (slides can be found here).

eZ Publish & PHP Summer Camp 2014 - 4 days of workshops and fun

eZ Publish & PHP Summer Camp 2014 - 4 days of workshops and fun

Tomislav Buljević

The dust has settled, the impressions have been made, everybody packed their bags and went home. That is why we think it’s time to revisit Rovinj a bit and give a report on everything that happened during the 4 days we’ve spent at the 2014 PHP and eZ Publish Summer Camps.

PHP / eZ Publish Summer Camp 2014 - latest insights

PHP / eZ Publish Summer Camp 2014 - latest insights

Ivo Lukač

With less than 2 weeks till both PHP Summer Camp and eZ Publish Summer Camp its time to share whats currently going on with preparations and reveal few more interesting facts.

Fetching content in eZ Publish 5 using Search service

Fetching content in eZ Publish 5 using Search service

Petar Španja

This article covers what is, in my opinion, one of the coolest and most important features of eZ Publish 5. I’m not saying that, for example, HTTP caching is not cool or important, but if you don’t know how to find the stuff you need there will hardly be something to cache, right? So cover your bases.

The eZ Publish Show #19 - The eZ Platform (new stack) is maturing, whats in it for Symfony community?

The eZ Publish Show #19 - The eZ Platform (new stack) is maturing, whats in it for Symfony community?

Ivo Lukač

After 6 months of delay, finally, the episode #19 of The eZ Publish Show was aired today. Topic of the show was the new eZ Platform (new stack based on Symfony PHP framework) but from the Symfony community point of view.  

Search And Filter Bundle for eZ Publish 5

Search And Filter Bundle for eZ Publish 5

Ivo Lukač

As we started to work more and more on the eZ Publish new stack and Symfony framework some generic code started to pop out. One of the first examples is the Netgen Search And Filter Bundle which we shared on github. Its an eZ Publish 5 solution for configuring pages with custom searching and filtering. 

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