Web Summer Camp Super Early Bird tickets available! And a few other surprises

von Maja Nebes -

We are delighted to announce that Super Early Bird tickets for Web Summer Camp are available! Find below all info on the ticket price and what it includes as well as other Camp news and novelties. 

Where? When? How?

As announced in the introductory blog post, this year we will be seeing each other from August 31 to September 3, once again in a picturesque town of Rovinj, but are moving the venue to the stunning Hotel Lone!

We urge you to reserve your travel tickets and a place to stay as soon as you can. We put together info on how to get to Rovinj and where to stay during the Camp. To help you get around town easily, we also assembled a map with all important locations pinpointed. Find all this on our Venue page!

Important information on PHP and eZ Publish hands-on workshop participation

Taught by last year’s experience (a few people had problems with the VM installation), this year we are organizing a special Preparation Day in the evening hours of August 30 for PHP and eZ Publish topics. Take that into account when making your travel plans.

So, if you’ll still be having problems with your setup, our help desk crew will be there to sort out any last minute issues.

Workshop prerequisites

In order to actively participate in hands-on workshops, you need to bring your own laptop with a processor capable of hardware virtualization and at least 4 GB of RAM (8 GB is highly recommended). Regular hard disk will do, but having an SSD is an advantage. As for software requirements, you need to have the latest version of VirtualBox 5.x installed.

Please note that if your laptop is not capable of hardware virtualization and doesn't meet the requirements, you will only be able to listen to the workshops, but you will not be able to participate hands-on in the workshops and get the maximum value out of it.


Yes, Super Early Bird tickets are available at the low-cost price of 390 EUR (VAT included) until June 1! Prices go up after that, so be sure to catch this great opportunity right away.

Now, you’re probably wondering what we offer (besides the mesmerizing sun and sea ambient) - this is what your ticket includes:

  • 3 days of hands-on web development and engaging web design workshops with the leading experts in the fields spread over 3 topics (PHP, eZ Publish, Design)
  • Lunch every day
  • 3 coffee breaks each day of the conference
  • Boat trip on the 4th day with lunch included
  • DebugMan triathlon in the mornings
  • Plenty of other leisure activities (will be announced soon!)
  • Goodie bag filled with all sorts of fun and useful things
  • Social events: Web Wine, Web Beer, Web Battle (you’ll just have to come to see what they are for yourself :))

Also, because we value knowledge and experience sharing across the communities, the ticket is valid for all 3 topics (but we’ll still ask you which one you prefer :)). The full program with extras will be out soon.

If your boss is still hesitant to send you to our Camp, we prepared something that might definitely change their mind. :) Convince your boss you should attend our PHP, eZ Publish, or Design topic, we’d be thrilled to have you on board!


There is a novelty this year, a special ticket. We know you might want to bring a companion with you, so we are organizing a special track for them, making sure they have a great time as well! Basically, while you're at the workshops improving your knowledge, your companion can take a week off, explore the surroundings on captivating tours (sightseeing gorgeous Motovun from the photo among them), or simply relax on the beach or by the hotel pool. Sounds tempting? Find all info on this great opportunity to combine Web Summer Camp with a vacation and the ticket on our Companions page.

And we are offering a group discount! All 3+ groups, please contact us at [email protected].

Sponsors, topics & speakers

Your support has brought Summer Camp where it is now and with your help we can improve it further. If you would like to show your support for our learn & fun event, Call for Sponsors is open!

This year we have 3 topics - PHP, eZ Publish, and Design - and 4 tracks in 3 days of workshops. Call for Papers ended on April 24 and we are currently going through the selection process. However, we already have some amazing confirmed speakers.

The Design @ Web Summer Camp lineup is quite impressive, with renowned experts Janus Boye, Joe Leech, Kate Towsey, Marko Dugonjić, Daniel Frey, and Christoph Meier. The topic will focus on delivering engaging workshops on (responsive) web design, user experience, user research, project management, and psychology behind it all.

We are looking forward to adding more speakers and workshops after we go through all the applications!

Engage with us!

If you still haven't, join us at your preferred channel(s) of communication. Engage with us on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter or Instagram, and track our event on Lanyrd or Joind.in.

And if you have any additional questions, please contact us at [email protected]. For all else, there’s our Web Summer Camp website!

Summer Camp 2015 videos

After the first batch of videos released before Christmas, we released the videos of another 6 PHP & eZ Publish Summer Camp 2015 workshops, as well as the code and repo you will need to work along! Enjoy them and learn something new. :)

PHP Summer Camp 2015 videos

eZ Summer Camp 2015 videos

You can also find all released videos on our YouTube channel, PHP & EZ SC 2015 playlist.

Grab your ticket and see you in Rovinj! :)

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