Introducing Web Summer Camp 2016

von Ivo Lukač , Maja Nebes -
Introducing Web Summer Camp, organized by Netgen

A few months ago, we announced the date and location for our 2016 Summer Camp event. We’ve been organizing the event since 2012 under the name eZ Publish Summer Camp. In 2014, we added PHP topics and adjoined PHP Summer Camp to it. This year, with the complex process of developing web solutions in mind, we added one more topic that is related to web design and decided to group the topics under one umbrella brand: Web Summer Camp.

Why Web Summer Camp?

After last year’s successful Summer Camp edition, we wanted to take the next step and broaden the scope of our workshops and elected to include web design topics. However, handling the two existing and different brands, eZ Publish Summer Camp and PHP Summer Camp, was not easy and we were reluctant to add one more. The fact remained that the 3rd brand would be too much to handle.

On that account, with adding another topic on design-related issues, merging them into one brand was the reasonable thing to do. Considering that we are a web design and web development company, the name Web Summer Camp was an obvious choice. It pretty clearly states what someone who joins us there this or the following years can expect.

Web Summer Camp

For all info, check out our new and fully operational website at!

What about eZ Publish and PHP Summer Camp?  

Nevertheless, we were eager to preserve some of the things that we had been building over the years. eZ Publish Summer Camp established itself as the biggest unofficial gathering of the eZ community and PHP Summer Camp was getting recognized in the Symfony and PHP communities.

We want to continue strongly communicating the same message to those communities, so we are turning those brands into Web Summer Camp topics:

- eZ Publish Summer Camp → eZ Publish @ Web Summer Camp
- PHP Summer Camp → PHP @ Web Summer Camp

Also, we are officially opening Call for Papers for both topics, PHP and eZ Publish! Feel free to submit your workshops ideas by April 24 :)

Presenting Design as the new topic

As already mentioned, we decided to introduce more workshops of a different kind to expand what we offer. After considering dev topics, like frontend and JavaScript, we realized that we want to go with something completely different. We inclined toward offering a chance to those involved in web projects, that are not necessarily developers, to experience the latest best practices and concepts on how to creatively and efficiently do a web project.

Therefore, this year we assembled 5 workshops in 3 days on responsive UX, user research and testing, UX psychology, digital strategy, and agile project management. Speakers are recognized experts in the field - Joe Leech and Janus Boye, to name some. Check them out on the topic page:
- Design @ Web Summer Camp

This topic appeals to web professionals such as UX designers, information architects, web project managers, creative directors, and content strategists. It should definitely be interesting to all web project stakeholders.

Workshops, which will be 3 or 6 hours long, will be engaging rather than just talks. The idea is to give much deeper understanding of the subject so all attendees will have to do some work :)

How to communicate with us?

The news is that the most of the communicating channels are now merged into one. As of this year, we have one website as well as one newsletter and one Facebook profile! You can also follow Web Summer Camp on Twitter for quick updates and on Instagram to see and comment on the photos of our adventures. Remember to use the official hashtag of the event - #websc :)

Respecting the need for the strong communication in the community, we left the well-known eZ Publish Summer Camp and PHP Summer Camp Twitter profiles open as well so we can engage with you in more topic-specific detail.

Also, for any questions regarding Web Summer Camp, you can reach us at [email protected]

Same town, but a better venue

Remember to save the date, August 31 - September 3, 2016! As announced, we are staying in a beautiful town of Rovinj, but we made a big step by moving the venue to a 5* Hotel Lone. It should add up nicely to all the changes we are introducing this year. It is a bit further from the town center (only a few minutes) but with more and better-equipped workshop halls. We believe you will welcome the change. Here is a sneak peek :)

Hotel Lone sneak peek


You can find all info on travel and accommodation on our website. More information on tickets and else will be announced in a couple of weeks when we open the Super Early Bird tickets, so stay tuned!  

Sponsors are welcome!

Like every year, we call for all interested sponsors to support our effort to deliver a great event. Last year we had 120 participants coming from 19 countries, mostly EU, and this year we expect even more people coming, and not only developers :)

The workshops at our Camp are given by the leading experts in the domain and most of them are hands-on and engaging and, in like manner, the participants are a mix of experts, experienced professionals, and young eager learners from all over the world.

Check out our Call for Sponsors for more information and join us for an adventure!

Main objectives of the Camp stay the same

We are here to offer you a unique learning & fun experience. Summer Camp is about sharing in and between communities so that we all gain valuable know-how for future projects, and there is no better way to achieve that than by acquiring hands-on experience for technical workshops and engaging experience for design topics at our Web Summer Camp.

Choose your preferred channel(s) of communication and engage with us! See you at the end of August :)

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