Save the date for Summer Camp 2016 - and enjoy our holiday presents!

von Maja Nebes -

We figured there is no better time to announce Summer Camp 2016 than the holiday season. We know the time and the place, the rest of the information will be on your way soon. Since we always strive for improvement, we have some exciting news for you in that department! So, here goes!

But, what is most important you already know: hands-on workshops, sharing between the communities, sun and sea are waiting for you once again. There will be plenty exciting workshops, taking into account the releases of PHP 7, Symfony 3, and eZ Platform and eZ Studio!

The time

The dates for the Summer Camp 2016 were not a big issue. Our eZ and PHP lovers are counting on the late August and early September summer days for our Camp adventure, and we wouldn’t like to disappoint them.

Save the date for August 31 - September 3! And plan your vacation accordingly :)

The place

As you might have guessed, the picture is a teaser of where you will be next summer. For our 5th in a row Summer Camp, we decided on something special. Wanting to give you the best experience we can, and which you deserve, we are stepping up.

First of all, after a long, and in the end a fruitful, discussion, we have resolved to stay in Rovinj. Reasons are many: the town is beautiful and full of life, yet small enough to circle it on foot or by bike. And we haven’t had enough of it yet :)

Well, now for the exciting part! We love our Hotel Park, but we feel it is time to spice things up a bit. Our new venue will be the exquisite Hotel Lone!

Hotel Lone is a captivating 5-star hotel surrounded by beautiful Punta Corrente Park Forest only a few steps away from the beach. This choice of the venue is in accordance with our decision to bring Summer Camp to the next level, and we firmly believe it will delight you.

In conclusion: see you in Rovinj, Hotel Lone, August 31 - September 3!

The presents

You needn’t worry - our Summer Camp announcement is not the only present for you this holiday season :) We are releasing the videos of 8 PHP & eZ Publish Summer Camp 2015 workshops, as well as the code and repo you will need to work along them.

eZ Summer Camp 2015 videos

PHP Summer Camp 2015 videos

Happy holidays and stay tuned! More Summer Camp info coming soon.

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