tag: websummercamp

Four Strokes with Paweł Jędrzejewski

Four Strokes with Paweł Jędrzejewski

Dinko Mihaljević

Paweł Jędrzejewski is creator of Sylius and founder at Lakion. Small interview, only four questions, but we managed to cover various topics like SummerCamp, eZ Publish Community, Sylius, Lakion, future of Paweł's projects and so on...

What do student summer practice, Summer Camp workshop rating, and client rich web app have in common?

What do student summer practice, Summer Camp workshop rating, and client rich web app have in common?

Ivo Lukač

Having a habit of trying to hit more birds with one stone, I always try to find a combination of tasks that has multiple benefits for the company. As we wanted to give some practice to students and that an online rating system for the Summer Camp would be nice to have,  decision was a no-brainer. To make things a bit harder the solution should behave more like a web app: loaded once and using REST calls for rating.

eZ Publish & PHP Summer Camp 2014 - 4 days of workshops and fun

eZ Publish & PHP Summer Camp 2014 - 4 days of workshops and fun

Tomislav Buljević

The dust has settled, the impressions have been made, everybody packed their bags and went home. That is why we think it’s time to revisit Rovinj a bit and give a report on everything that happened during the 4 days we’ve spent at the 2014 PHP and eZ Publish Summer Camps.

PHP / eZ Publish Summer Camp 2014 - latest insights

PHP / eZ Publish Summer Camp 2014 - latest insights

Ivo Lukač

With less than 2 weeks till both PHP Summer Camp and eZ Publish Summer Camp its time to share whats currently going on with preparations and reveal few more interesting facts.

Going mainstream with PHP and eZ Publish Summer Camp: Call for workshops and sponsors

Going mainstream with PHP and eZ Publish Summer Camp: Call for workshops and sponsors

Ivo Lukač

One month ago we announced a double event: the 3rd eZ Publish Summer Camp and the 1st PHP Summer Camp. Today we released some more information on each web site and are calling PHP, Symfony and eZ Publish gurus to send us proposals for workshops. There is an opportunity for interested companies and organisations to sponsor the events as well.

eZ Publish Summer Camp - opportunity for eZ and Symfony community to meet

eZ Publish Summer Camp - opportunity for eZ and Symfony community to meet

Ivo Lukač

There are many reasons why we invest so much time and effort into organizing eZ Publish Summer Camp. I will not count them here. Rather, I'll talk about a very sensitive period for the eZ community which started a year ago and will last for several years more.

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