tag: ezpublish

Overview of Netgen Push extension

Overview of Netgen Push extension

Edi Modrić

Netgen Push provides a simple and effective way to push any kind of content from eZ Publish to various social networks. For the time being, Twitter and Facebook connectors are implemented, while eZ Publish REST API and Tumblr API are in the planning stage. Netgen Push also provides a basic framework to develop your own connectors to any social network that uses OAuth authentication protocol.

eZ Filter jQuery plugin

eZ Filter jQuery plugin

Petar Španja

eZ Filter jQuery plugin is a simple plugin which binds select element with eZ Publish CMS view parameters.

eZ Conference 2010 in Berlin - Summary

eZ Conference 2010 in Berlin - Summary

Ivo Lukač

Some of us at Netgen attended eZ Conference a few weeks ago in Berlin (and had a great time there :-), so we would like to present eZ developers with a small summary on few topics that we think are important.

Geo search with eZ Find - search for nearest locations

Geo search with eZ Find - search for nearest locations

Ivo Lukač

In this blog post we present a simple example on how to build a spatial search with eZFind. The most common usage of the spatial search would be finding  the nearest locations available and this is what we are describing here.

Building Netgen Suggest extension: suggestion drop down for search fields using Solr facets

Building Netgen Suggest extension: suggestion drop down for search fields using Solr facets

Ivo Lukač

We introduce some of the details on how we developed "Netgen Suggest" extension for eZPublish. Extension is shared with community: projects.ez.no/ngsuggest. Download and installation instructions can be found there.

Solving performance problems with Memcache Mutex extension for eZ Publish - Part II: Technical details

Solving performance problems with Memcache Mutex extension for eZ Publish - Part II: Technical details

Ivo Lukač

Here is just a short technical explanation of the topic in the last blog post. That post described how we solved a performance issue on one eZ Publish based web site by developing an eZ Publish extension which overrides eZMutex to use memcache instead of file locking. The extension is published and shared with the community on projects.ez.no.

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