tag: ezpublish

Confessions of an apprentice: How to manipulate data from an eZ Publish database with PHP

Confessions of an apprentice: How to manipulate data from an eZ Publish database with PHP

Tomislav Buljević

As you have probably realized by now, we are delving deeper into the PHP side of eZ Publish as this series of articles progresses. We continue in this spirit, so if you read on, you will find out how to create a database table and manipulate the data from it, using eZ Publish tools.

Changing class of an existing object in eZ Publish CMS

Changing class of an existing object in eZ Publish CMS

Ivo Lukač

This tip is only for advanced and experienced developers, classified as "do not do this at home" and "no warranty".

Confessions of an apprentice: Creating a mobile channel (siteaccess) in eZ Publish

Confessions of an apprentice: Creating a mobile channel (siteaccess) in eZ Publish

Tomislav Buljević

In the new article of our eZ Publish intermediate guide, we talk about siteaccesses and how they can be used for creating multiple pages of a site.

Confessions of an apprentice: Creating a custom page layout in eZ Publish

Confessions of an apprentice: Creating a custom page layout in eZ Publish

Tomislav Buljević

In the new edition of Confessions of an apprentice we will show you how to easily change layouts on a portion or portions of your website.

Confessions of an apprentice: eZ Publish Views revealed

Confessions of an apprentice: eZ Publish Views revealed

Tomislav Buljević

As promised in the last article, this one will be all about the views. We will create a simple view, and show you how to use views to further improve your projects. So, read on!

Confessions of an apprentice: Creating eZ Publish modules

Confessions of an apprentice: Creating eZ Publish modules

Tomislav Buljević

In the last article we have created our own template operator, introducing a new functionality to our eZ Publish extension and, ultimately, to the whole site. But what happens if we want to introduce a whole set of functionalities wrapped in a neat package? Read on to find out!

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