tag: ezpublish

Confessions of an apprentice: Setting up template operators in eZ Publish

Confessions of an apprentice: Setting up template operators in eZ Publish

Tomislav Buljević

Welcome to the first article in a series of articles concerning development in the eZ Publish CMS. In this, the first article of a new series concerning the intermediate developers we take a look at the creation and usability of template operators. First, we will get an overview of template operators in general, after that, I will explain the creation of a custom template operator. So, read on!

Interview with Aleksander Farstad,  founder of eZ Systems and eZ Publish open source CMS

Interview with Aleksander Farstad, founder of eZ Systems and eZ Publish open source CMS

Ivo Lukač

In the first interview here on Netgen Blog we have Aleksander Farstad. He is the founder of eZ Systems with their main product eZ Publish open source CMS and was the CEO from 1999 to 2009. Currently, he is the Member of the Board and VP of Business Development.

"The stronger the community, the stronger the product and the stronger the company the stronger the product...this is adding up." - AF

New version of eZ Tags released

New version of eZ Tags released

Edi Modrić

We have just released a new version of eZ Tags extension which brings the version number up to 1.2. This is a second version released since the initial blog post introducing eZ Tags six months ago and we thought it would be a good idea to give an overview of what is new in eZ Tags 1.1 and 1.2.

eZ Publish CMS persistent variables

eZ Publish CMS persistent variables

Ivo Lukač

I will share with you a secret known only to eZ Publish gurus: persistent variables are not that hard to learn :). Of course, learning depends on good materials so hopefully this blog post will help clarify some things.

Just for test I spent 30 seconds on google (usually enough time) to find some good learning content about persistent variables and I found no such page on ez.no ecosystem. I did found 2 short  blog posts (first and second) about the topic, not counting several forum posts. Interesting though, from both blogs you can see that authors haven’t been aware of persistent variables possibilities (second one even calls it mythical) but realised quickly how useful they are. 

eZ Conference 2011 in London, a Late Recap

eZ Conference 2011 in London, a Late Recap

Ivo Lukač

It has been more than a month now from the event so the topic is no longer in the spotlight, but I will do a late recap anyway. The main reason for such a big delay was, to be completely honest, no free time whatsoever. So I hope you find this post as a nice reminder on the event.

We presented on eZ Publish Conference in London

We presented on eZ Publish Conference in London

Ivo Lukač

We presented our social flavored extensions on eZ Conference in London on June 16th. The presentation covered Web Engagement Management features which will modern CMS platform like eZ Publish need to be successful in the near future.  

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