tag: cms

Web Design & Development industry

Web Design & Development industry

Ivo Lukač

Recently I was participating in an online course (on Coursera) and one of the task was to do an industry analysis. So I did it for web design and development industry focusing on 2 parts:

  • tools (content management vendors)
  • creative touch (web agencies)

Be aware that I don't do these kind of analysis professionally :)

Interview with André Rømcke, Lead Engineer for eZ Publish CMS

Interview with André Rømcke, Lead Engineer for eZ Publish CMS

Ivo Lukač

In the second interview here on Netgen Blog our guest is André Rømcke. He is the Lead Engineer for eZ Publish CMS and one of the main people behind the new verison 5.

"eZ Publish 4.x is maybe the open source CMS out there with most features, so we might never have the same feature set in the core of 5.x as it represents a slight change of focus from quantity to quality" - AR

How to create a modern web site - part 3: the Web Content Model

How to create a modern web site - part 3: the Web Content Model

Ivo Lukač

This is the third post in the series on how to create a modern web site. In previous post we covered how to set up the baseline for a web project  and how to set up the site map. This post will cover the next step in a web project: the Web Content Model.

eZ Partner Conference 2012 in Lisbon - Overview

eZ Partner Conference 2012 in Lisbon - Overview

Ivo Lukač

Usually I start with the event itself and mention the location at the end. This time the location really deserves to be mentioned first. In my humble opinion Lisbon was a bulls-eye decision due to the beautiful weather (sunny with almost 15 degrees Celsius) while most other parts of Europe were covered with snow and under freezing -15 degrees Celsius :). It was a great pleasure to enjoy the sun and discuss the future of eZ with other attendees.

Confessions of an apprentice: Creating a custom page layout in eZ Publish

Confessions of an apprentice: Creating a custom page layout in eZ Publish

Tomislav Buljević

In the new edition of Confessions of an apprentice we will show you how to easily change layouts on a portion or portions of your website.

Interview with Aleksander Farstad,  founder of eZ Systems and eZ Publish open source CMS

Interview with Aleksander Farstad, founder of eZ Systems and eZ Publish open source CMS

Ivo Lukač

In the first interview here on Netgen Blog we have Aleksander Farstad. He is the founder of eZ Systems with their main product eZ Publish open source CMS and was the CEO from 1999 to 2009. Currently, he is the Member of the Board and VP of Business Development.

"The stronger the community, the stronger the product and the stronger the company the stronger the product...this is adding up." - AF

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