tag: cms

How to create a modern web site - part 2: the site map

How to create a modern web site - part 2: the site map

Ivo Lukač

This is the second post in the series on how to create a modern web site. In previous post we covered how to set up the baseline for a web project. This post will cover the next step in a web project: setting up a site map.

How to create a modern web site - part 1: from the first idea to the project baseline

How to create a modern web site - part 1: from the first idea to the project baseline

Ivo Lukač

We at Netgen, as a web development company, are facing the same challenges on every web project we do. It is very important to know how to deal with these challenges to successfully manage a web project. We plan to publish a series of blog posts describing the steps we take when creating a modern web site.

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