tag: Symfony

The eZ Publish Show #19 - The eZ Platform (new stack) is maturing, whats in it for Symfony community?

The eZ Publish Show #19 - The eZ Platform (new stack) is maturing, whats in it for Symfony community?

Ivo Lukač

After 6 months of delay, finally, the episode #19 of The eZ Publish Show was aired today. Topic of the show was the new eZ Platform (new stack based on Symfony PHP framework) but from the Symfony community point of view.  

Search And Filter Bundle for eZ Publish 5

Search And Filter Bundle for eZ Publish 5

Ivo Lukač

As we started to work more and more on the eZ Publish new stack and Symfony framework some generic code started to pop out. One of the first examples is the Netgen Search And Filter Bundle which we shared on github. Its an eZ Publish 5 solution for configuring pages with custom searching and filtering. 

eZ Publish 5 - the hybrid stack

eZ Publish 5 - the hybrid stack

Ivo Lukač

With coming of the eZ Publish CMS version 5 and introduction of the Public API a new naming convention was established, the version 4 technology was called legacy stack and the new technology, with the Public API as the cornerstone, was called the new stack. Recently by using this new stuff more and more I realised that this naming is a bit misleading.

Going mainstream with PHP and eZ Publish Summer Camp: Call for workshops and sponsors

Going mainstream with PHP and eZ Publish Summer Camp: Call for workshops and sponsors

Ivo Lukač

One month ago we announced a double event: the 3rd eZ Publish Summer Camp and the 1st PHP Summer Camp. Today we released some more information on each web site and are calling PHP, Symfony and eZ Publish gurus to send us proposals for workshops. There is an opportunity for interested companies and organisations to sponsor the events as well.

Symfony2 MVC - part 2: Controller

Symfony2 MVC - part 2: Controller

Hrvoje Knežević

In our first blog post in the Symfony2 MVC series we covered the concept of the Model part in Symfony2 MVC, using a simple example of a model implemented with Doctrine ORM. In this blog post, we will focus on the Controller part, where we will create a simple controller class implementing the basic create/update/delete operations on the model from the previous blog post. We will also cover the basics of mapping a specific controller action to a URL path using the Symfony2 routing mechanism.

Impressions from SymfonyCon Warsaw 2013

Impressions from SymfonyCon Warsaw 2013

Edi Modrić

Last week I attended the first official Symfony conference (dubbed SymfonyCon) organized by SensioLabs. The conference was held in the Westin Hotel in Warsaw, Poland with 600 people from all around the globe attending.

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