Platforms and tools based on Symfony

Platforms and tools based on Symfony dropdown_arrow Created with Sketch.

Building APIs in an easy way using API Platform, by Paula Čučuk & Antonio Perić-Mažar

Recorded @ Web Summer Camp 2017

The web has changed! Users spend more time on mobile than on desktops and expect to have an amazing user experience on both. APIs are the heart of the new web as the central point of access data, encapsulating logic and providing the same data and same features for desktops and mobiles.
In this workshop, Paula and Antonio will show you how to create complex APIs in an easy and quick way using API Platform built on Symfony.

Test your apps with real web browsers using Symfony Panther, by Kevin Dunglas

Recorded @ Web Summer Camp 2019

From a few lines of jQuery to modern React/Vue… PWA, Symfony apps always contain JavaScript code. Unfortunately the Symfony functional test helper and the Goutte web scraping lib aren’t able to execute JS code. It means that they cannot assert on client-side generated HTML, test if an element is visible or not, deal with alert boxes or detect if a bug occurs only with a specific browser.

Panther is a new e2e testing and web scraping library written in PHP that drives real browsers thanks to the WebDriver protocol from the W3C. It implements the exact same API than the BrowserKit component. It means than existing SF tests and Goutte scripts work without modification… but this time JS will be executed! The tool also brings new capabilities including taking screenshots, or executing custom JS in the execution context of the web page. To install Panther you only have one command to run, and it doesn’t need any dependency to install Panther. Let’s meet the feline!

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