CMS and website building with Symfony

CMS and website building with Symfony dropdown_arrow Created with Sketch.

Getting Started with the Sulu CMS, by Daniel Rotter

Recorded @ Web Summer Camp 2016

Sulu is a content management platform built on the Symfony full-stack framework. Sulu’s strengths are its focus on usability and design - both for frontend designers and developers - as well as its out-of-the-box support for many features that enterprise websites need. Being built on Symfony, you get every bit of flexibility that you need. In this workshop, we will create a basic Sulu installation and introduce you to Sulu’s most important features. As an attendee, you should bring some code from one of your current projects. Ideally, you can run that code on your notebook but this is not a hard requirement. This workshop was created by Daniel Rotter, feat. Bernhard Schussek. 

Creating a Basic CMS with the CMF and the RoutingAutoBundle, by Daniel Leech & Willem-Jan Zijderveld

Recorded @ Web Summer Camp 2014

This workshop will guide you through the process of creating a basic CMS (with pages and blog posts) from the Symfony Standard Edition using the Sonata Admin project and the CMF Routing, Menu, and RoutingAuto Bundle's.

Building web solutions with Netgen Layouts, by Ivo Lukač

Recorded @ Web Summer Camp 2019

Netgen Layouts is a Symfony based application. It can be installed on top of existing Symfony apps like eZ Platform, Sylius or any other Symfony full-stack application (based on web site skeleton). It can be a standalone Symfony app querying data via REST or SOAP and using Symfony CMF for routing and slugs. Making new integrations is simple for any Symfony/PHP developer.
In this workshop, we will showcase the integration with Contentful headless CMS and how it can ba used to build, manage and maintain a web site.

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