tag: web

PHPSerbia 2017

PHPSerbia 2017 – my first conference

Randy Čupić

It's been six and a half months since I became a Netgen employee. In this short but productive period, I’ve been involved in many different projects and learned a lot regarding PHP, Symfony, eZ, and other technologies. However, it was time to move away from writing code and give a try to something else – writing my first blog post. Seven of us attended PHPSerbia Conference 2017, which was also my first conference, so I decided to share my impressions.

Web Summer Camp 2016 - engaging workshops and experience sharing on the radiant Croatian coast

Web Summer Camp 2016 - engaging workshops and experience sharing on the radiant Croatian coast

Maja Nebes

This year’s Summer Camp was bound to be interesting even before it started. We changed the brand, added a new topic, moved to a new venue, and were curious and eager to see how our participants would respond to the transition. Well, it turns out we had no reason to worry. :)

Why we need more Ladies in (Web) Business

Why we need more Ladies in (Web) Business

Maja Nebes

When I heard about Ladies of New Business and that it was to be held in Zagreb, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I knew immediately I wanted to be there, for numerous reasons. The conference not only exceeded my expectations, but also provoked me to consider the role of women in the web industry.

Symfony Cake

SymfonyCon Paris 2015 - 10 years of Symfony

Tomislav Buljević

A lot of heartfelt moments have been shared on the SymfonyCon stage a couple of days ago in Paris at the third official SymfonyCon and the celebration of 10 years of Symfony framework - and we got to be there! So, read on, and we will share our impressions with you.

WebCamp ZG 2015 review

WebCamp ZG 2015 review

Maja Nebes

A bunch of us went to WebCamp Zagreb, a technology-oriented conference for developers and designers that was held on October 2-3. We at Netgen have been the WCZG proud sponsors ever since their beginnings and are proud of that. There were some news for us as sponsors this year and they were all good while the program offered two tracks with two one keynote each day and technology-oriented talks. 

The Future Looks Bright(on)

The Future Looks Bright(on)

Ivo Lukač

This is a short review of Vjeran and me visiting dConstruct conference in Brighton last week, with a few related remarks. The conference is a think-outside-the-box kind of event, an inspiration and a chance to see what’s around the corner. The theme of the conference was “Designing the Future”.

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