tag: ezplatform

Introducing Netgen variant of eZ Publish Community 2014.11 kernel

Introducing Netgen variant of eZ Publish Community 2014.11 kernel

Edi Modrić

As you probably know, eZ Publish Community 2014.11 is the last stable release of eZ Publish 5 hybrid stack (not counting the enterprise versions, naturally). You also probably know that it is stuck on Symfony 2.5 and is missing some nicer features and bug fixes from the eZ Platform (currently in beta) and eZ Publish Enterprise 5.4.x releases.

Adding support for a new field type to eZ Platform UI

Adding support for a new field type to eZ Platform UI

Filip Božanović

Currently, Platform UI is still in its early versions, but it's nearing release. This article deals with integrating custom field types into the new Admin interface. I'm using our TagsBundle as an example.

Using the new eZ Platform view API

Using the new eZ Platform view API

Edi Modrić

eZ Platform is coming along nicely and soon we will have a final 1.0 release on our hands. Last week a new feature called the View API landed in master, and it will change the way you write your custom controllers.

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