Test driven development with PHP

Behat Basics, by Ryan Weaver

Recorded @ Web Summer Camp 2014

Behat focuses you on the *behavior* of new features and allows your human-readable user stories to be executed as real, functional tests against your application. In this workshop, we’ll introduce you to the behavior-driven-development concepts and then write some real scenarios and build some real code with Behat and Mink to turn these into functional tests. By the end, you’ll have a basic, but solid understanding of the philosophy as well as how to use Behat and Mink in your PHP project immediately.

Lightning fast tests, by Jakub Zalas

Recorded @ Web Summer Camp 2016

One of the benefits of having an automated test suite is the feedback given when the code is being changed. As the project grows, the test suite becomes slower and slower every day, until it’s so slow it stops being useful. Tests are disabled, skipped and finally removed. A huge part of the problem lies in getting the testing pyramid wrong and putting too much effort into the wrong type of testing. Learn how to structure your project to benefit from lightning fast tests. Apply the right amount of testing on appropriate levels and run your tests in seconds, not hours.

Setting up a developer environment:

Set up the developer environment in 3 simple steps:

The appliance is based on Ubuntu and has all services needed by workshops installed. All code with git repos cloned is also in the appliance, you might need to do a git pull. You will need to reinstall PHPStorm since the demo license was valid for 30 days.

Remember to use a laptop with a processor capable of hardware virtualization and at least 4 GB of RAM (8 GB is highly recommended). Regular hard disk will do, but having an SSD is an advantage.

Pragmatic TDD, by Luka Muzinic

Recorded @ Web Summer Camp 2018

In the real world, where you get paid by code that ships, developer strive to write the most efficient tests possible. To cover mission critical code. To quickly decide whether writing a functional test or series of unit tests is the best approach. Learn together with Luka how to use PHPUnit and TDD in the most efficient way possible for extraordinary results. This workshop is for developers who start their projects by drawing model of the database first, developers who are overwhelmed by number of testing tools or don’t know where to start, and developers who simply want to level up their game.

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