The eZ Publish Show #18 - Road to eZ Publish version 5.3

von Ivo Lukač -

The episode #18 of The eZ Publish Show was an excellent example why I am doing this show. Sometimes it looks like it doesn't make sense to spend time on this due to not so big audience. But episodes like the one we aired yesterday proved otherwise. There was some problems due to recent changes in Google+ Hangout but we managed to record it and the video is now available on Youtube.

Topic of the show was Road to eZ Publish version 5.3, I tried to get some info on what we will get with the next version from Roland Benedetti, Product Lead in eZ Systems and Bård Farstad, Head of Innovation Board. The main idea behind this episode was to learn important roadmap information in a informal discussions with guys who are steering the product.


Focus for 5.3 version

  • improve demo site:
    • show how to do things with new stack, e.g. user generated content, themes, login
    • showing off features that were maybe not shown before, e.g. geo location capabilities,+ or premium content (still partially dependent on legacy stack)
  • implementing content preview with the new stack for using in the legacy admin interface
  • continue to remove kernel legacy dependency
  • refactoring data access layer with Doctrine (to support more database engines)
  • preview of new Editorial Interface (maybe)

Rule of thumb is to have all new features exposed in some way on demo site.

Beyond 5.3

With 5.4 version continuing the things already mentioned, more specific plans will come later.

With version 6 which should come after 5.4 important changes are coming:

  •  no legacy stack
  • new editorial interface
  • new generation storage

Enjoy the show!

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