TagsBundle and eZ Tags with multilanguage tags released

von Edi Modrić -

Today is a special day for Netgen. After a couple of years of development and constant testing, we finally tagged and released the multilanguage variant of eZ Tags (which includes TagsBundle as well as the legacy extension).

The story started 4 years ago when, in the hallway of a hotel in London where eZ Conference and Awards 2011 was being held, Ekkehard Dörre suggested that the newly released 1.0 version of eZ Tags legacy extension should support multilanguage tags. The idea was great and I started the development soon after that. It turned out that certain things were not that easy to implement and quickly it became evident that the development will need to slow down. Couple that with my regular responsibilities at Netgen and eZ Tags became somewhat less relevant. In the last 4 years, I have worked on eZ Tags for short periods of time every couple of months and kept the project going, little by little perfecting the multilanguage branch.

Then two years ago came TagsBundle. At first, it only supported 1.x (regular) version of eZ Tags legacy. The development of the bundle was fairly regular and active. A couple of months ago it became apparent that I will need to implement multilanguage in TagsBundle too, so I took some time couple of weeks ago to implement multilanguage support, and together with the new version of TagsBundle to finally release eZ Tags legacy extension as stable.

All you need to do in order to get the latest version of TagsBundle and eZ Tags legacy is to run the following from your eZ Publish 5 root folder:

$ composer require netgen/tagsbundle ~2.0

After that, follow installation instructions of TagsBundle and eZ Tags legacy to get both of them up and running in eZ Publish. Installation instructions for both TagsBundle and eZ Tags legacy are pretty straightforward: activating the bundle in eZ Publish kernel file, importing the routes in main routing file, activating the extension in site.ini.append.php and importing database tables in your eZ Publish database.

Upgrading is a bit more specific. You will have to import SQL file to upgrade the database schema, located in eZ Tags legacy extension:

$ mysql -u root -p mydb < ezpublish_legacy/extension/eztags/update/database/mysql/2.0/eztags-dbupdate-1.4-to-2.0.sql

as well as run the legacy upgrade script to convert existing tags to multilanguage variant:

$ php ezpublish/console ezpublish:legacy:script extension/eztags/update/common/scripts/2.0/initializetagtranslations.php --locale=cro-HR

You will, of course, need to specify which locale will be the starting one, as shown in the example above.

Naturally, you're invited to contribute to both repos or report any issues you find :)

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