Students, meet us for the lectures on eZ Publish CMS at FER and FESB and apply for the summer workshop!

We will hold a short lecture on eZ Publish, an open-source content management system, in Zagreb at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) on May 30 (B4 at 18:00) and in Split at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture on June 4 (B401 at 14:00).

Also, the attendees will be presented with an opportunity for a closer look at the CMS - we are organizing eZ Publish Summer Camp in Bol in September. For all students interested: we are preparing an offer you won’t be able to refuse!

Summer Camp from the student perspective

Learn how to build a website on top of eZ Publish CMS over the course of 3 days and have fun while doing it!

eZ Publish Summer Camp is a 3-day international workshop-based conference that will be held in Bol on Brač on September 5-8. The main topic will be the Norwegian open source CMS - eZ Publish.

The program will be split into tracks for the beginners and tracks for the advanced users. All the workshops will be held in English and you will be expected to have general knowledge of web technologies and a laptop.

Attendee benefits

  • 3 days of eZ Publish workshops
  • 1 "kick-off track" for the beginners and 2 tracks for the experienced developers
  • mingling with the eZ Publish experts
  • the possibility of getting eZ Publish 4.7 official certification

The event is sponsored by: eZ Systems, Etecture, OpenContent and CJW Network. The Speaker Sponsors are Kaliop and Novactive.

About eZ Publish

eZ Publish is a content management system which has an open source Community version as well as the Enterprise version maintained by eZ Systems from Norway and used by the big companies and corporations. There are hundreds of thousands eZ installations in the world. It is used by the likes of Financial Times, Heinz, European Space Agency, US DoD, and SAT1.

About Netgen

We are a Zagreb-based company that has been using eZ Publish CMS for over 7 years and are also the main organizers of the Summer Camp. Besides the experience in working with the eZ Community version, we’ve been eZ Systems Business Partners for 4 years. We’ve implemented eZ Publish-based web projects for many companies and organizations, such as Iskon,, Vipnet, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb and Split.

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