- the best government website in Africa!

Togolese Republic has the best government / presidency website in Africa, according to a survey made by Jeune Afrique magazine (in French)!

We are proud to have designed and developed two websites for Togolese Republic, including the awarded one.

In the article, Jeune Afrique states its survey was based on criteria such as ergonomics, aesthetics, ease of navigation, links to social networks, multilingualism, and regularity of updates. The article also features the complete list of evaluated websites.

The website built for the Togolese Republic,, is a fully responsive news portal developed in eZ Publish CMS. It got the overall best score out of 40 websites taken into consideration in a survey.

Jeune Afrique is a weekly newsmagazine published in Paris, founded in Tunis by Béchir Ben Yahmed on October 17, 1960. It covers the political, economic and cultural spheres of Africa, with an emphasis on Francophone Africa and the Maghreb. (Source: Wikipedia)

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