Open Days at the RBI sponsored by Netgen

We are proud to be one of the sponsors of this year's Open Days at the RBI event! If you happen to be near Ruđer Bošković Institute on April 18-20, come by and see how science can be exciting.

The Ruđer Bošković Institute is regarded as Croatia’s leading scientific institute in the natural and biomedical sciences as well as marine and environmental research, owing to its size, scientific productivity, international reputation in research, and the quality of its scientific personnel and research facilities.

The Institute is the leading and internationally most competitive Croatian institute by virtue of its participation in international research projects, such as the IAEA and EC FP5-7 programs funded by the European Commission, NATO, NSF, SNSF, DAAD and other international scientific foundations.

Today, the Ruđer Bošković Institute has over 550 scientists and researchers in more than 80 laboratories pursuing research in theoretical and experimental physics, physics and materials chemistry, electronics, physical chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemistry, molecular biology and medicine, the sea and the environment, informational and computer sciences, laser and nuclear research and development.

The Institute website is built by Netgen on eZ Publish CMS.

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