Netgen sponsors "BEST Code Challenge 2.0 – Code it, rock it!" student competition

BEST Zagreb in cooperation with companies IT4UNetgen, and UX Passion is organizing a programming competition called BEST Code Challenge 2.0 on March 13-23 2012.

The aim of this competition is to provide developers with the best opportunity to excel during their study and to be recognized by the prominent companies engaged in software development on the Croatian IT market.

After the presentation of tasks by the partner companies, the contestants will have ten days to solve their tasks independently. Students will then present their solutions and the best ones will receive valuable prizes.

Computer science students, or any other students who are engaged in software development and have the desire to pursue work in this profession in the future, are eligible to apply to the competition.

BEST Zagreb is a non-profit student organization, and also a part of the international organization called Board of European Students of Technology (BEST), which brings together technology students from 91 universities across Europe, with a goal of including these students in challenging international projects such as technical seminars, trainings, workshops, cultural exchange, and engineering and professional competitions.

More information about the contest can be found on the BEST website.

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