Netgen & eZ Publish at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Osijek, Croatia

On Friday, February 28 at 8 AM at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Osijek, Croatia we will hold a workshop which will cover the eZ Publish CMS development.

This workshop is a continuation of the lecture given on December 2, 2013 called How we work on big sites. It's completely free for all those who wish to learn something new.

Workshop program

The students will learn the following:

  • creating a design extension and its accompanying file structure
  • setting an eZ Publish installation to the development mode
  • creating custom classes with their accompanying attributes
  • creating template overrides for the created classes
  • creating a new site access
  • setting up user roles and policies

The workshop will be held by Tomislav Buljević, an eZ Publish developer working at Netgen.

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