Announcing The eZ Publish Show iTunes Podcast

The eZ Publish Show is a live hangout covering all topics concerning eZ Publish since 2012. So far, 23 episodes have been aired, featuring many known eZ experts and a few special guests. Geoff Bentley was the original host. Our colleague Ivo took over starting with the episode 12.

You could watch the show on YouTube or Google Hangouts, live or recorded. Pretty convenient if you are at home or at work, near your computer. But what if you are not?

We have some good news: we made an iTunes podcast for the show! Why? Because we wanted to make the show accessible to anyone who might want to listen to it on the go.

What if you are outside, on the move, and you really want to hear what Karen McGrane had to say on chunky content or what is new with the Composer? A podcast is ideal because it can be listened to on any portable media player. This way you can listen to any of the already aired and published episodes, starting with the episode 15.

Have fun and eZ on! :)

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