tag: solr

eZ Platform Document Field Mappers

eZ Platform Document Field Mappers

Mario Blažek

eZ Publish/Platform and Solr search have a long and established partnership from the early days of the eZ existence. In the legacy days, we were using the old and proven eZ Find extension. With the release of eZ Platform, we switched to the all-new Solr search engine. Back then, this new search engine provided only a minimal set of features. New features are added regularly. One of the most exciting features is the document field mappers, which we are going to explore more in detail.

Keeping Apache Solr up and running on eZ Platform setup

Keeping Apache Solr up and running on eZ Platform setup

Mario Blažek

While the usage of Apache Solr through the eZ Platform Search API is pretty much straightforward and well documented, where do we fall short is on how to set it up.

Dealing with the complexity of eZ Platform architecture

Dealing with the complexity of eZ Platform architecture

Ivo Lukač

When we started developing web solutions with eZ Publish in 2004, the architecture was simple. Today, we are on LNMpPf7VHMS as our default architecture with the possibility of adding a few more letters soon.

PHP & eZ Publish Summer Camp Odyssey 2015

PHP & eZ Publish Summer Camp Odyssey 2015

Borna Perak , Maja Nebes , Zvonimir Sušac

When we announced PHP & eZ Publish Summer Camp 2015 in March, we must admit we had only been secretly hoping for such an amazing turnout - the Camp was sold out! Now it’s time for us to share with you the gained experience, shared knowledge, and all the fun we had during and between the workshops.

Search result quality in eZ Publish

How to measure search result quality (in eZ Publish)

Ivo Lukač

Solr is an excellent search engine. We are using it for years through eZ Find (its an eZ Publish extension for searching) and its really powerful and flexible solution. Our use cases are not that complex so we never actually hit into a wall with Solr. But there is one problem when building search solutions in general which we encountered few times and for which Solr has no feature. It happens when the language of the indexed content is some language that we as integrators don't understand.  

eZ Tags 2.0 beta is released, try it out!

eZ Tags 2.0 beta is released, try it out!

Edi Modrić

Impossible, you say :) After a long year, when we first started development of version 2.0 of eZ Tags, we finally have something to show to the community. We know it shouldn’t have lasted this long, but what can you do... Sometimes a paying job just gets in a way :)

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