tag: javascript

Adding support for a new field type to eZ Platform UI

Adding support for a new field type to eZ Platform UI

Filip Božanović

Currently, Platform UI is still in its early versions, but it's nearing release. This article deals with integrating custom field types into the new Admin interface. I'm using our TagsBundle as an example.

A few Smashing days in Oxford

A few Smashing days in Oxford

Igor Vrdoljak

Ever since Vitaly Friedman announced that last years’ Freiburg event is to be reenacted and the speakers lineup started to form, it was clear the event would be, pun intended, smashing. The lovely city of Oxford was chosen for the venue so it was even harder to say no to such a chance to learn and meet.

Responsive Data Tables with ngResponsiveTables jQuery plugin

Responsive Data Tables with ngResponsiveTables jQuery plugin

Tomislav Matijević

Recently, I had a project which required implementation of responsive tables. CSS basic rules are enough, usually, but in this project we had too many table heads so we needed a completely new solution.

Building Netgen Suggest extension: suggestion drop down for search fields using Solr facets

Building Netgen Suggest extension: suggestion drop down for search fields using Solr facets

Ivo Lukač

We introduce some of the details on how we developed "Netgen Suggest" extension for eZPublish. Extension is shared with community: projects.ez.no/ngsuggest. Download and installation instructions can be found there.

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