ZgPHP meetup at Netgen

von Mario Blažek -

ZgPHP Meetup is the event organized by Zagreb PHP community and during the years it became a central point of sharing ideas and knowledge among PHP developers in the region. Considering the popularity of the event, we were aware that the most challenging part of organizing the meetup will be the lack of space since our leisure room is not as large as a basketball court... yet :-).

But… where there’s will, beers, and snacks, nothing is impossible.

Opening word...

The event started with an opening word and group announcements by Tomo, following with short speech by one of our CEO’s Ivo. Ivo sad a few words about Netgen, not missing a chance to invite all to our hands-on and engaging annual event, Web Summer Camp.


What did we talk about...

In his speech Code archeology - refactoring legacy app, our Ivan Herak presented his report from the trenches, something every developer is faced with, the legacy code. This was Ivan’s guidelines and suggestions from his rich and exhaustive experience.


After that, Ivo Lukač and Edi Modrić talked about open sourcing our flagship, the Layouts, with the focus on why we open sourced it in the first place and what challenges this brought.

While talking about contributing to OSS, Ivo presented an interesting fact – Netgen spent 7,5% effective hours on OSS in the last 9 months. As mentioned at the beginning, giving back to the community really is one of our core values.


After the official part was over, we continued chatting and hanging out, spiced with pizzas and beers. While speeches were the opportunity for our guests to get to know us better, hanging out after was an opportunity for us to hear more about them, their experience and thoughts.

Thank you all!

We are very glad that we met you all and truly hope you enjoyed spending time at Netgen. You are all always welcome to visit us or write to us if you would like to hear more about our work or if you think we could do some great things together :-)

And if you are eager to broaden your skills and knowledge, don’t forget to grab early bird tickets for Web Summer Camp.  Just sign up here and we'll let you know as soon as ticket sale start.

P. S.

Thanks to all my teammates who managed to put all those chairs to our leisure room and prepared a bunch of popcorn and snacks. Special thanks to my colleague Borna. With that beer opening skills, he was the wingman that even Iceman from Top Gun would be proud of :-)


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