We're looking for senior and junior backend developers and project managers! Find us at WebCampZg this weekend


Meet us at WebCampZg 2015! Once again we are proud sponsors of this great technology oriented conference taking place this weekend. If you are looking for a new or maybe the first challenge in your working life, find us at our sponsor stand near the conference halls.

These are the open positions that might interest you:

Senior backend developer

If you…

  • are an experienced PHP developer
  • are preferably interested in our favorite framework, Symfony
  • know your way around LAMP stack
  • have basic knowledge of Javascript/jQuery/AJAX and other client technologies, like HTML and CSS
  • have good knowledge of the version control systems, namely Git
  • are fluent in English
  • like challenges

… you might just be a right fit for us!

Experience in working with some of the IDE interfaces (like PhpStorm), object-oriented programming (for example IoC pattern), and unit testing (PHPUnit) won’t hurt.

Junior backend developer

You are a talented PHP developer fluent in English, familiar with the LAMP stack, no stranger to web development in general with a basic knowledge of Javascript/jQuery, HTML, CSS? You would like to learn more in a comfortable and stimulating working environment surrounded by helpful people who know their stuff?

If your answer is yes, you might be a good addition to our work family!

Project manager

Right now, we are looking for someone like you - someone who is well-versed in web technologies, but also has grit, perseverance, and problem-solving skills, possesses good organizational and communication skills, and is no stranger to project management tools, techniques, and methodologies.

Your skills should also include:

  • leading and inspiring high performance within the development team
  • taking care of effectively delivering tasks and outcomes
  • initiating, leading, and communicating the development of multiple projects
  • having modern knowledge of the IT industry and its ways of working
  • staying informed of all projects in motion at any given time in order to resource and coordinate accordingly

What’s in it for you?

Let’s talk about what we can offer you. Here goes:

  • a stimulating, yet relaxed work environment (have to see it to believe it)
  • flexible working hours
  • a continuous improvement of your professional skills through internal workshops and visiting great conferences where you can learn plenty and also have a chance to mingle with the experienced developers
  • participation in our PHP Summer Camp which is our best team building as well
  • plenty of coffee, tea, Cedevita, and biscuits to keep you going
  • most importantly, a great crew of skilled experts to work with

If you can find yourself in this, send us an email at [email protected] containing:

  • a short CV
  • a list of the relevant projects/initiatives you’ve worked on
  • social media profile(s), blog or similar.

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