The eZ Publish Show #16 - Easy Symfony

von Ivo Lukač -

As announced last week The eZ Publish Show continued today. We were broadcasting live from Google+ Hangout and recorded video of the episode #16 is now available on Youtube.

Guest were Kris Wallsmith from OpenSky and Lukas Kahwe Smith from Liip. The main idea was to introduce Symfony to eZ Community: Easy Symfony

The main idea was to introduce Symfony ecosystem to eZ Community so the topic "Easy Symfony" indicated that some stuff could be even more easier to do in eZ world now the new eZ Publish version 5 is based on Symfony2.

Both guests are part of the Symfony community for a long time, using the full stack on their products but also contributing a lot to the community. some of their work is already used by eZ Publish 5 core. I hope you will find interesting and useful information in this half an hour video.


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