eZ Tags, the taxonomy solution for eZ Publish legacy, was open sourced way back in 2011. In 2015, we tagged and released the multi-language variant of eZ Tags, which included Tags Bundle as well as the legacy extension. In 2016, we continued maintaining eZ Tags, but a full eZ Platform UI support was still missing, so we decided to launch a crowdfunding campaign to finish implementing the Tags Bundle. In March 2017, next to being implemented for the eZ Platform UI, it also got an admin interface.
To round up the Tags Bundle story, Ivo and Edi held a webinar for all interested parties on September 21. Watch the webinar to find out more about Tags Bundle for eZ Platform and its features, and to check out the demo.
You can also try out Tags Bundle yourself. If you want to join us for future webinars, subscribe to the dedicated newsletter.