Netgen is a proud sponsor of WebCamp Zagreb and Shift Conference

We strongly believe in the power of community and sharing in and among the communities. Those are some of the reasons as to why this year, aside from organizing our own community event, we are once again sponsors of WebCampZg, the largest tech-oriented conference for developers and designers in Croatia, powered by the community.

WebCamp will be held October 3-4 in Zagreb. The schedule is yet to be announced, but it will undoubtedly be filled with great and interesting talks given by renowned speakers, same as last year. We share the same aspiration to learning and hearing about the new opportunities through community sharing.

This year, we are also friends of the Shift Conference, the largest startup event in South-East Europe, which will be held June 11-12 in Split. The line-up includes many experienced and influential people from successful companies such as Reddit, Entrepreneur, GitHub, Mashable, and others. There will also be four Shift Challenge Sessions during which the 24 chosen startup finalists will pitch their ideas in front of the audience and a jury. 

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

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