Meet us in New York next week for eZ Publish Innovation Board meeting, re:VISION New York 2014, and TNW Hack Battle

This month is going to be very interesting and full of events that start next week in New York, a city that never sleeps, they say. We are about to prove this saying by hacking all through the night on the first day of TNW Hack Battle, that will be held on December 6-7.

We will continue on December 9 with re:VISION New York 2014, introduced for the first time by eZ Systems. It is conceived as speaker series and community forum open to all marketers.

On December 10 eZ Publish Innovation Board meeting will be held, where we will be discussing the possible improvements and new features in the eZ Publish CMS. The Innovation Board is a quarterly meeting of eZ partners, clients, and others, organized by eZ Systems, which helps to steer the future of eZ Publish.

Meet us at these events to discuss the latest trends in technology. If you are in NYC look for our colleague Ivo, who will be happy to exchange views on the related topics with you.

Photo credit: Thomas Hawk

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