Meet Us in New York City for the eZ Conference 2015!

This will be our third time in the wonderful city of New York. We are traveling there tomorrow and staying for the whole week. Meet Ivo, Vjeran, and Igor at the eZ Conference to talk about eZ Publish, eZ Platform, CMS, Symfony, and anything web development related!


The eZ Conference is a gathering of the members of the eZ community from around the world. If you are interested in the eZ products, be in NYC November 3-5 and discuss the CMS topics with the certified eZ experts.

Be sure not to miss Ivo’s lecture on building a content and e-commerce monster made out of eZ and Sylius. The integration, created in cooperation with Keyteq and Locastic on top of Symfony framework, has been covered in a few blog posts and was presented a while ago at SymfonyLive London, which we attended as community partners, and at our eZ Publish Summer Camp. It is imperative to integrate the content marketing and content monetization and we believe that eZ + Sylius is the best solution for the deeper integration.

This year we are proud to have been nominated for the eZ Awards in four categories! Ivo is among the three finalists for the eZ Social Supporter of the Year and Blogger of the Year, Edi is nominated for the Contributor of the Year category for his continuous work on the Tags bundle and contributions to eZ Platform, and the eZ + Sylius integration is one of the nominees for the Innovation of the Year! We are thankful to all the members of the community who nominated us.

Our New York adventure includes the Future of Web Design Conference as well, the event for web designers and developers. Find us there on November 3!

Meetups & Meetings

You can also find us at the meetups that will be happening next week, Symfony meetup being among them. Join us there, we never miss a chance to talk about our favorite PHP framework and our favorite CMS, eZ Publish. You can also find us at the Geeks & Suits NYC Meetup to discuss various tech and business topics.

As the member of the board, Ivo will attend the eZ Innovation Board Meeting, a quarterly meeting of the eZ partners, clients, and others, which helps to steer the future of the eZ products.

There'll be plenty of opportunities to meet us in New York over the next several days. If you’re around, feel free to call in. We’d be happy to talk to you!

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