Meet us at SymfonyCon in Paris!

Paris at night

After SymfonyLive London, where we went as community sponsors with the project we did with our partners Keyteq and Locastic, eZ and Sylius integration, another distinguished Symfony event is before us - SymfonyCon.

The third edition of SymfonyCon, the international Symfony conference, will be held on December 3-5. We expect great workshops and lectures and are looking forward to celebrating Symfony’s 10th birthday in Paris, its hometown.

A bunch of us will be there! Look for Edi, Hrvoje, Ivan, Mario, Petar, and Tomislav - you will not miss them, they'll be wearing our signature ocean blue T-shirts :) - and talk to them about all things Symfony, eZ Publish / eZ Platform, and web technologies related.

Vous voir à Paris!

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