Meet us at dConstruct in Brighton and SymfonyLive in London this month

We are attending two great events this month: dConstruct, the annual one-day conference with topics on technology, design, and culture, and SymfonyLive London, where we will be presenting our integration of e-commerce solution (Sylius) with CMS (eZ Publish). An interesting month!

dConstruct will be held on September 11 with this year's theme being "Designing the future" - stimulating theme for their 10th anniversary. Our Ivo and Vjeran will be there and will be happy to exchange views on related topics with you, no matter which galaxy you're from :)

2015 marks the 10th birthday of our favorite framework, making us even happier to be a part of SymfonyLive London, held on September 17-18. Another thing to be excited about: this year we were nominated and shortlisted for the free community stand at the conference for eZ Publish CMS and Sylius eCommerce solution integration, and we are very proud to be chosen, thanks to the many votes from the community and all those who appreciated the project, to be one of the SymfonyLive London’s community partners! Meet us at the talks and be sure to visit our community stand. Our Ivo and Edi, together with Antonio of our partner Locastic, are looking forward to presenting you our project.

See you there!

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