eZ Tags presented at the eZ Winter Conference in Nice

eZ Tags extension, that we developed with eZ Systems, will be showcased by Ivo Lukač at the eZ Winter Conference in Nice.

eZ Tags is an eZ Publish extension that provides more functionality to tagging content objects than ezkeyword datatype included in the eZ Publish kernel.

The main advantages of eZ Tags extension are:

  • tags tree hierarchy
  • easy management through eZ Publish admin interface of adding, deleting, and editing tags and their children
  • easy tagging in object edit interface with tags auto-completion, suggestion, and in-place addition of the new tags
  • upgraded tags view interface, similar to content view, providing access to $tag variable (current tag viewed)

The source code for eZ Tags extension is available for download on Github.

Special thanks for development effort go to Edi and Petar. Kudos!

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